Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hourly Comic Day 2007

For anyone looking for an art activity to start out the new month, this Thursday is Hourly Comic Day, which is a day all about making a comic for every hour you are awake that descrbies something about the past hour. When you've finished your comics, you can scan them and post them up on their message boards. Here's some more detailed info about HCD.

And here's a few of my favourites from last year:
Dave Sherrill, Jess Fink, Dean Trippe.

Also, January's mightywall theme of "puppets" is almost over! Get your art up on that wall! And if anyone has any great ideas for an upcoming theme feel free to send any of us a message suggesting it!


Anonymous said...

hello! my friend put up her drawing of the bush puppet on the mighty wall. but it's not up there anymore O_< do you know what happen to it by any chance? she wants it back.

Unknown said...

We took the puppet stuff down to scan so we can post it up on the blog here. Once it's scanned, I'll pin it back up to the wall and she can grab it off there. Sound okay?

Anonymous said...

yup! thanks!

Karen Fan said...

Hey Rey! It's Karen. How's it going? Could you add my blog http://barensklog.blogspot.com/ on to the list please? THANKS ^_^!