Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mighty Link List and New Mighty Topic on Friday

Have a place on the net where you toss your art up for people to see? Are/were you an illustration student at Sheridan College? then get in on the Mighty Link List. Reply to this post with your name, site address and the year you're in/graduated and we'll toss your link up on the side. Or send an e-mail to and I can toss your name up.
Who doesn't love free advertising?

Side Note: This months Mighty Wall (Animal Hybrids) comes down on friday. If you have something you want to add to the wall then toss it up on the board before friday (it's the board outside the 4th year room, the one with all the animal hybrids on it). On friday we will be taking everything down to put up next months topic (super secret topic #11213) and over the next few days we will try to scan everything from animal hybrids and post it up here.


Mia said...

Hihi, I'm a 4th year student.
Name: Maria Steffensen

Thanks in advance :D

Ken McCuen said...

Hey, :) I'm a 3rd Year illustration student

Name : Ken McCuen
